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555% CD3: The Final 10 Songs

By Ean | April 6, 2012

So, with a mixture of excitement for the release, and sadness that the recent Fridays’ listening parties will be over, we can announce: The final 10 tracks from 555% are here!

Pledgers can now head across to Ginger’s Pledgemusic profile and download or stream (or both, if the wait proves too much).

The track listing is as follows:

1) You’re The One, You’re The One, Yeah I Know You’re The One, You’re The One (Yeah I Know You’re The One)
2) Beautifully, Blissfully Unsettled
3) Confusion
4) Sleeping in The Light
5) In Vino Veritas
6) Very, Very Slow
7) Just Another Song About Someone
8) There Is Something Wrong With My Mind
9) We’ve Been Expecting You
10) The End

You know the drill by now: please listen to the songs, listen to them again and then listen to them some more.

Then, head back to the Pledgemusic update and let us know your THREE favourite songs in the comments box below the post. This will help us put together the track listing for the single CD.

Joining the 555% listening party on Twitter? Use the hashtag #ginger555 so we can read your comments.


One Response to “555% CD3: The Final 10 Songs”

  1. Oscar Says:
    May 28th, 2012 at 11:28

    Please new wildhearts cd !!!!!!!!!!


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