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Go To Hell

By Ginger | December 9, 2009

Nestled unassumingly near the front of Töölö, in the heart of Helsinki, is the best restaurant in the world. Lots of restaurants seem like the best restaurants in the world, and almost are, but there is only one that can be king.

And this place is called Hell.

Stylish and sparse, and serving up fine food until 4am, this awesome hostelry offers treats ranging from reindeer pizza to snails with garlic and blue cheese (called Gas Lipstick, named after the drummer from Finnish megastars HIM and his obsession with this sublime dish – which is possibly the tastiest thing in the world).

It is here the four members of rock’s unsung super group (the band you hate to love, the over-proof underachievers, the resplendently independent… etc etc…) soak in the familiar air that is a Helsinki welcome, speak about activities in 2010, eat rare steak so tender that one has only the exquisite taste to remind you that there is actually something in your mouth, and recall the last 48 hours.

We hadn’t been in Finland for a full day before we’re being ushered to the One Eye Tattoo studio, where we will receive free ink, courtesy of Taneli and Pete. They will tirelessly tattoo wrists, necks, arms and ribs, gratis, while handing out free beers. The last time this happened to us was… um… that’s right, this has never happened to us before*.

Previous to that we were invited to attend the opening of a Wildhearts exhibition at the Helsinki City library, where a couple of Wildhearts fans had pooled their not inconsiderable collections together, much to the bemusement of the elderly patrons perusing the library section of the gallery, that serves as a humble reminder that the power of music is a transatlantic phenomenon in which no translation is needed.

MTV filming and magazine interviews/photos are conducted and radio interviews & station take-overs are undertaken before being treat to yet more delicious Finnish fare bolstered by copious Langerot (translated as ‘long drink’ it’s a pint of gin & grapefruit soda based heaven that must be tasted to be believed, I’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t love this stuff instantly) and Fisu (a chilled vodka fermented with Fisherman’s Friend sweets that delivers a huge, delicious wave to the sinuses and plants a warm glow to the chest, simply outstanding) leaving us merry and satisfied.

It’s been a great couple of days spent with wonderful people. So great, in fact, that we didn’t want to leave this morning (after about 30 seconds worth of sleep**), but I’m glad to report that we are in Tampere right now, getting ready for tonight’s show. The hotel is lovely and the band are loud.

Also the Chutzpah Jnr mini album will be available at all future gigs that The Wildhearts will play, so I trust you will all get a copy. And in the meantime please feel free to pas it around in files. You deserve it. You’re lovely.

See you at Xmas.


*Actually I have had free tattoos before, in Japan, but it wasn’t a whole band session, and hey, let’s try not to let mundane details get in the way of literary flow. Artistic license is why reading is fun, right? Er… right?

**This is an exaggeration. Once again I’d like to take the time to admit to using a little artistic license with which to effect a blunt punch to what could be considered a humorous insert.

21 Responses to “Go To Hell”

  1. Steve Says:
    December 9th, 2009 at 22:45

    What will people complain about? Selling Chutzpah Jnr at future gigs so everyone can get a copy? Humor – on a blog? This is really letting us down – will there be any hilarious comments at all from this; I doubt it. Another Faux-pas from Ginger surely?

  2. Charlie Croker Says:
    December 9th, 2009 at 23:49

    Any chance that Chutzpah Jnr mini album will be released via the Wildhearts web site.
    Not all of us can get to the gigs, work sometimes get in the way!

  3. mitchattitude Says:
    December 9th, 2009 at 23:50

    Well can The Wildhearts play in Scotland now so i can get a copy, i am not very patient when it comes to new Wildhearts music…..

    Anyone going to the Xmas tour that can get me a copy?????

  4. Wayne McCrory Says:
    December 9th, 2009 at 23:53

    Cool about making Jnr available at all future gigs – now will you be playing Belfast in the foreseeable future??? We are dying to get to hear Chutzpah in all it’s live glory!!!

  5. Wah Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 00:29

    I’m sick to death of this, when are this band going to come and play Blyth so I can get my copy of Baby Chutzpah? I can’t be seen to be using public transport!

  6. Brad Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 03:10

    Why is it that The Wildhearts only ever play the UK when I’m out of the country? Chutzpah Jnr will be mine! I will not be out-foxed! Anyone wanna pick it up for me?

  7. Oz Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 05:48

    So cool you’ve been treated so well here! Tonight, Helsinki, Nosturi, woohoo!

  8. Marty Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 05:59

    Well I’ve changed my stance – can someone post mp3s of the chutzpah wein and I’ll buy a cd at the next WH gig?!

  9. Steve Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 08:36

    Sorry Ginger, it’s spelt “Lonkero”, but I suppose after a few of them you do pronounce it “a pint ah langerot pleash!”. There’ll be a few for you tonight on me if you’re up for it (as long as I don’t get into a Jäger bomb session with Ritchie again- the man’s a machine!).

    Now then… I’m off to go and check out that exhibition in the library before pub and then gig.

  10. Charlie Croker Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 10:55

    Give Chutzpah Jnr. release via the web site, this will stop people from selling them on ebay at rediculasly high prices to WH fans.

  11. CMH Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 11:20

    Please come to play in IRELAND – I’ll buy the Guinness!!!

  12. Wilf Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 15:00

    Right. I’ve had ENOUGH! If the Wildhearts don’t come and play AT MY HOUSE, IMMEDIATELY, then they aren’t the band I thought they were.

  13. Wes Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 16:04

    I’m not allowing them in my house…Jeez man, what ARE you thinking?

  14. SteveP Says:
    December 10th, 2009 at 23:42

    I want them to play my wedding night (if I were ever lucky enough for it to happen!! the wedding I mean lol) but there’s more chance of them playing your house Wilf!! 😀

  15. Wilf Says:
    December 11th, 2009 at 11:35

    They didn’t turn up 🙁

    The Wildhearts are dead to me now.

  16. Martin Says:
    December 11th, 2009 at 12:37

    If anyone wonders which restaurant the band was visiting and would like to go there while visiting Helsinki sometimes, I can give you a hint. It is not called Hell just like that, that was a translation made by Ginger. The name is taken from the Finnish mythology and means “the realm of the dead”.

  17. Marko Says:
    December 11th, 2009 at 22:56

    The restaurant is called Manala 🙂

  18. crispian Says:
    December 12th, 2009 at 10:44

    I think the Wildhearts MAY have played at my place last night,Wilf….
    When I walked into the front room this morning,it sure looked like they’d played here anyway…….

  19. Gallifrey Seven Says:
    December 13th, 2009 at 18:38

    That’s not fair! I’m always at a Wildhearts gog whenever the Wildhearts play a gig, and unless they promise to play Wildhearts gig instead of being off playing a Wildhearts gog I’ll never listen to them again!

  20. Nath Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 01:19

    Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but twitter isn’t either. :-S

    If anyone playing on the 17th @ Gingers B-day (esp Ginger) could give a shout out to my amazing Fiance ‘Rachel’ (whose b-day it is, too) that would make her night. Just 2 seconds to say happy birthday, that is all I’m asking. I won’t bore you into why she’s been so amazing this year, but she really has. 🙂

    Looking forward to the night, to celebrate Gingers (and for us) my GF’s B-day. See you all there 🙂

    *If anyone running this website, or who knows the band could pass this message on, I would be really grateful* thanks 🙂

  21. lee purton Says:
    December 15th, 2009 at 14:17

    just been reading all the comments bout the wildhearts playing in your house, well i used to live with hot steve. imagine my surprise to wake up to find ginger an john poole in my living room,ginger playin my beloved les paul.does this count? hi steve if ya reading this,see ya crimbo mate.


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