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Carmelita – Preview song on MySpace

By Kris | May 5, 2008

‘Carmelita ‘, originally by Warren Zevon, is the next song being previewed on The Wildhearts MySpace site from the forthcoming “Stop Us If You’ve Heard This One Before Vol 1” Wildhearts covers album.

Some words from the band about the song:

Scott Says:

This song is one of my favourite songs of all time. It brings back so many memories. For the most part it reminds me of being up for days, high as a kite with Ginger in the middle of a canyon in Malibu. We were a fucking absolute mess. This song captures that 6-month period perfectly. Not to mention we listened to it every day. Kind of a theme song for the fucked up hermits that we were and it only made sense to cover it.

Ritch Says:

Ralph from Grand Theft Audio first played me Warren Zevon. Werewolves of London became a daily ritual on the GTA tour bus. I hadn’t heard Carmelita until Scott suggested it and I’m glad he did. What a phenomenal vocal from the young lad.

Ginger says:

Our version is a lot more punked up that Warren’s. Check out the original for some of the darkest country you will ever hear. Absolutely authentic and incredible.

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