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Wildhearts – Song Vote

By Kris | November 3, 2004

The song vote has also now closed – thanks to all who took the opportunity to cast their votes, Ginger comments: “Thank you to everyone that took part in voting for the new set list. Great choices. This should be a very memorable tour for us both.

We are delighted by the amount of new songs in there, a sure fire sign that the band ‘still have it’. It will also be a pleasure to play some of the older less played tracks featured in the closing vote.

If you can’t vote in a great future for America then you can vote for a great night for Britain.

December looks likely to ROCK much more than any other Month of 2004. What a fine, fine way of ushering in a new year and shaking hands with the present one.

It’s been a great ride, see you on the other side…’till then let’s party like it’s nonsensical Prince song. Alrite.”

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