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Ginger’s Guitar Auction Raises £17,000

By Ean | May 30, 2011

Ginger’s Gibson Les Paul charity auction in aid of the British Red Cross came to a fantastic end last night.Ginger and The Stickered Les Paul

The guitar broke the £5,000 reserve shortly after the auction was posted, climbing steadily throughout the week, before a flurry of late bidding and counter-bidding took the total to an impressive £17,000 which will go to help those in desperate need throughout the world.

In thanks to the winning bidder – an incredibly generous Japanese fan from Sendai – and to all those who helped to spread the word, Ginger Tweeted:

“SEVENTEEN FUCKING THOUSAND POUNDS!”,”I am the luckiest motherfucker out there. I’m in LOVE with you lot. You are fucking edible. Thank you. x”

before the following statement was issued:

“I feel proud to feel this connected to my supporters. I’m a very lucky guy. The money from the guitar will mean more to some than the memories mean to me. Often we have to give things away to get things in life, and in this case I’ll be receiving the gift of helping someone less fortunate than myself.”

4 Responses to “Ginger’s Guitar Auction Raises £17,000”

  1. TBL Says:
    June 13th, 2011 at 21:38

    Awesome! …and well put, Ginger.

  2. Matt Says:
    September 19th, 2011 at 15:14

    Well done that man!

  3. Andy Hill (Will's Driver!) Says:
    September 27th, 2011 at 18:48

    Ginger – what an awesome thing you did …. big respect. I held this guitar … in fact I think I passed it to Hot Steve more than once. Well done and be good, Andy

  4. Tim Harrigian Says:
    December 6th, 2011 at 15:45

    Ginger Thanks for going above and beyond the call…you have restored my faith in Humanity…You will be rewarded for your kindness..


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