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Chutzpah! Streaming Clips
By Ean | August 30, 2009
As a bank holiday treat, we’re streaming extended clips of the new album on our Myspace and Facebook pages for the next couple of days to give you all a taster before you rush out and buy the album – right!?
Head over there and check them out:
3 Responses to “Chutzpah! Streaming Clips”
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August 30th, 2009 at 20:18
Amazing. Although I’m hoping amazon will be selling mp3s from midnight tonight…
August 31st, 2009 at 00:25
I pre-orders it from HMV and get it 3 days ago. It rocks, it’s the album of the year and wildhearts best work since fishing for luckies. Go and buy it from iTunes NOW. What are you waiting for Go!! Go Now
September 1st, 2009 at 13:38
just waiting for the Jap Import to fall through my letterbox!!