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Ginger Messages

By Kris | July 18, 2004

There’s a number of messages from Ginger here that we’ve been asked to pass along, firstly a message of thanks for all the help with Night Calls 411:

“I thank you all for your help tracking down ‘Night Calls 411’. I have had loads of offers that should see me through! Once again I thank you all for being so fucking cool!!!

You restore my faith in humanity, every fucking time!

Now, if anyone has heard of a comedian called (this may be wrong, but it could ring some bells) “Jerry The Cable Guy”. He’s a Redneck stand up comedian, calls panties ‘undergarments’, wears a baseball cap and a cut-off lumberjack shirt, has a catch phrase that goes something like ‘Now that was funny, I don’t care who you are, that was funny’… and is side splittingly hilarious.

I nearly lost a testicle laughing at this guy.

If anyone can help by sending me something then PLEASE include a return address.

I am gonna award you guys with some KICK ASS stuff in return!!!”

Please send any info to the website@thewildhearts account or post Ginger direct using the PO Box address on the website. And another request that the UK based you can probably help with:

“I am re-locating to the Philippines and want to sell my Jeep. It’s a Mitsubishi Shogun v 300 (P reg) and if anyone out there knows anyone from Auto Trader, or knows anything about selling cars, I would be more than insanely happy if they’d help.

And I will hand out a magnificent and suitably brilliant award for duties rendered.

When it’s time to sell up shop, being a part of this huge family comes in REALLY handy.

And don’t worry for a second about the change of environment affecting The Wildhearts. The only thing that will change is that I will be seen smiling a lot more and looking sinisterly healthy.”

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