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The Wait Is Over: ‘Chutzpah!’ Is Here!
By Ean | August 31, 2009
Monday… What You Up To?
Getting your hair done? Lunch with mum? Working?
Hey, you can do all those things AND go buy The Wildhearts’ new album Chutzpah! From 9am until whenever your local record emporium closes. You can make it, you can do it. Why? Because we here at WHHQ feel that you deserve it. You’ve been good, you’ve been loyal and you’ve been considerate to those around you. You’ve bought Xmas presents, remembered birthdays (mostly) and told the right people that you love them. So what’s in all this ‘being awesome’ business for you?
And that, my friends, is where Chutzpah! comes in.
Call it a reward for your ever enduring goodness. A treat that you award yourself, much like a bath or a wank.
And all for the price of a round of drinks?
Those drinks will be consumed far quicker than your enjoyment of this album will dissipate. Maybe even quicker than it will take to even listen to it, and it’s only 30 odd minutes long.
What does that say about your drinking habits?
Only that you work hard, you party hard, and you love hard.
And you’ll love this album.
Thanks for treating yourself, you deserve it.
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The album is now available to purchase from all good retailers, both on the high street (what’s left of them anyway) and online, as a CD and digital download:
Check out the rave press reviews the album has been receiving at the forum here.
And check it out for yourself with the streaming clips on our Myspace and Facebook pages.
The band start their UK tour on 17th September in Brighton, finishing in London on 1st October, after which they head over to Japan for 3 dates. Check out the tour page for full details.
38 Responses to “The Wait Is Over: ‘Chutzpah!’ Is Here!”
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August 31st, 2009 at 00:55
I’ve just downloaded ¡Chutzpah! from Amazon.
All I can say as I pick my jaw up from the deck is
….fuckin wow. This album is fuckin amazin’.
It sounds fresh as fuck but still retains the classic Wildhearts feel throughout. The production is so good…as you would expect from Jacob Hansen. More importantly the songs are truly breathtaking.
I haven’t felt so happy listening to a new album in a very long time….this is a classic.
Its got absolutely everything you could want from a pop/rock/metal/wildhearts album.
This is my new favourite album.
Do yourself a favour and buy this album.
God Bless The Wildhearts
Bring on the Glasgow gig.
Macinnes x
August 31st, 2009 at 01:13
Yup, I treated myself to the album!! (and tickets for two gigs!) I deserve it!
……and I will treat myself to some T-shirts too.
….what about Mugs ginger? I would love to drink my tea out of a Wildhearts mug……. a black mug with the new smileybones on….. I would treat myself to several of those too!!
Looking froward to ‘stop us vol.2’ next year maybe??
August 31st, 2009 at 08:51
Gonna download this from Amazon now, can’t wait, shame it’s only passed the 30 min mark, i’m greegy and want more Wildhearts tunes.
August 31st, 2009 at 10:22
Pure quality….and what a fantastic sound. Thanks for another stormer. See you Glasgow.
August 31st, 2009 at 11:00
Had the good sense to have pre-ordered my copy of Chutzpah! from HMV.com, & it arrived last Wednesday! Therefore, I`ve had the pleasure of owning undoubtedly the best album of the year for 5 days already & can`t get enough of it.
Every listen ends up with a new favourite song & has you begging for more. Am praying that all the additional songs recorded that didn`t make this album, will surface at some stage.
Do yourself a massive favour & get your ass into gear to ensure you own a copy of this by the end of the day. It will be a bank holiday Monday to remember (for once).
Well done guys, can`t wait for the Bristol Academy gig on 18 Sept. See you there.
August 31st, 2009 at 11:02
I’m speechless, but Macinnes said it all.
August 31st, 2009 at 11:51
Hell yes !
What an album . Great to hear the vocals being spread around . Just sounds awsome , best guitar sound on a Wildhearts recording . It reminds me of how albums used to be , 10 great songs , no fillers no 15 minute songs. Love it . Funny it reminds me of old Kiss records catchy , dosnt hang around and overstay its welcome and vocals from most the band ( no dodgey songs though lol )
roll on the tour
“You wanted the best …..
August 31st, 2009 at 19:25
August 31st, 2009 at 19:35
Right, so i’ve just listened to it in full…
Jesus! I knew i wouldn’t be disappointed, but on first listen, this album is absolutely immense!
Some absolute monster riffs, brilliant melody and an album full of fantastic songs.
I was kind of perlexed that you didn’t put a great songs such as ‘The Snake, The Lion, The Monkey and the Spider’ on the the album, but now i know why, 10/10 on the first listen, it can only be uphill form here.
Bravo Wildhearts, bravo.
August 31st, 2009 at 21:09
This is superb, a true wildhearts album, cant wait till the 27th of september for the Glasgow gig,
Well done lads
August 31st, 2009 at 21:36
Anyone else listening to this album over n over n over?
August 31st, 2009 at 22:07
Brilliance on display, but what else would on expect from these guys? Ginger and co…bravo! Now if only the various gods would smile upon me and bring you guys to my neck o’ the woods (Nashville, TN, USA). I downloaded the tracks today from Amazon, couldn’t wait–still going to buy it on a ‘real’ CD snail-mail style. An aural orgasm from start to finish.
August 31st, 2009 at 22:15
This is the greatest reward ever. Thank you Wildhearts!
September 1st, 2009 at 02:09
Downloaded it the minute it was availible from Amazon and spent the day listening to it. Anthemic seems to describe the entire album. Sing-along chorus after sing-along chorus. This album is everything Endless Nameless wasn’t, and Endless Nameless is everything this album isn’t. I reckon the two together describe The Wildhearts to completion. And I love both.
Bit of a fan of a lot less production-work though, so can’t wait for the Newcastle gig to hear it raw. Cheers fellas!
September 1st, 2009 at 09:52
Is there gonna be a vinyl release of this album???? Some of us still prefer the warm scratch and the hiss of a 12″ slab of plastic to the cold digital silence of cd/download !!!
September 1st, 2009 at 12:25
Big wow. Top record, folks. I have listened to it rather a lot since it came through the letterbox.
September 1st, 2009 at 15:54
pre-ordered it the moment it was availabe and…well…what can i say that the music doesnt say for itself!! Another perfect album from the greatest band the world has ever known! they’ve always been all killer…no filler!! how the hell the charts are full of the shite they are when there is music of this calibre around i’ll never know! the wildhearts have been my no.1 band since 1993 and all i can say is a huge thanks for still being around and creating such quality, coz i hate to think how id got through my youth without them! cheers & looking forward to seeing the live shows
September 1st, 2009 at 19:48
Thanks for the music. Gives my ears an erection.
September 2nd, 2009 at 01:48
Official Complaint: This is just ridiculous.
Why? Here’s Why:
*Because I’m playing this over and over again.
*Because every time I play it, my trousers need dry-cleaning. It’s the salt that stains.
*Because every song is arranged so perfectly I’m going into the next wishing the previous one was twice as long. For every song.
*Because it’s impossible to get any of the songs out of my head. Even during sex.
*Because I’m boring everyone I know with the constant talking about it.
*Because I now have to go onto various social networking sites to amend all the “Favourite Album” type questions.
*Because I have to wait till 17 Oct for the live versions.
* Because I’m sat here at 1:47am publishing reviews on websites rather than going to bed.
But most of all:
*Because Brighton will be Gig #28 in 17 years, so if this bloody career-topping nonsense carries on, I’ll still be overflowing with excitement at Gig #80 and will have no more room for all my tickets in the scrapbook. Thanks to inflation, do you have any idea how much a nice one will cost me when that happens?
That reminds me – bit of advice to the band: It’s all very well releasing an album that totally replaces the need to buy Viagra, but Chutzpah! did not go through clinical trials, so any more of that and I’ll be telling the NHS, ok?
September 2nd, 2009 at 07:32
Wasting away in Tacoma (Washington State)& I download “Chutzpah!” from the U.S. iTunes yesterday, burn it to disk, and promptly put it in my CD player for my trip to work. Within 45 seconds if “The Jackson Whites” I was once again blown away by the WiLDHEARTS latest offering. An Amazing album that is only getting better with each listen. I want to break away and listen to “The WiLDHEARTS”, “Fishing for Luckies”, “P.H.U.Q.”, & “Earth Vs.”, (ok, I’m a Yank who pretty much has everything) but I have to learn THESE songs! Songs which once again hit me in the core of my soul.
I do deserve this! I deserve this as much as a promotion, as much as a steady girl who won’t fuck me over, as much as a Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl victory. I’m a good son. I’ve helped my mom since her hip replacememnt surgery, I’m getting my dad on Augusta National Golf Club one final time. I Fucking deserve this! I deserve this so much I just ordered my physical copy of the record from Amazon.UK!!!!
We ALL deserve to have the music from The WiLDHEARTS, Ginger, CJ, Scott, Ritch, and any past members of this band in our lives! Ok, perhaps not Mark Keds music, but surely Devin Townsend?!?!?
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:16
well done guys and thanks for just delivering the album of the year.
what an album to wake up to every morning and the last one to listen to before going to sleep.
stunning in every way from start to finish
see you guys in Newcastle
September 2nd, 2009 at 21:12
I just got the album because it was released here in Finland today. It’s fucking awesome. Great sounds, great songs and the unbelievable feeling that only The Wildhearts albums can contain. Hope to see you live in Finland again soon!
September 3rd, 2009 at 19:05
I tried to buy it but its sold out of HMV South Sheilds, just a little black cardboard lable….im holding back from itunes for the real iam CD !!!!!
September 3rd, 2009 at 21:33
I’m not a sycophantic little soul and don’t smulch up to people as a rule, so it’s with genuine heartfelt heart-racing smily sunshine-filled joy that I write to congratulate The Wildhearts on a great album – bravo lads! Love it.
September 4th, 2009 at 20:51
great album (again) – how the hell do you manage to write songs that I listen to once and they lodge themselves in my brain for a month ?
September 6th, 2009 at 23:56
Well, I bought Chutzpah! on iTunes on the day of release last week and after one listen I’m still now recovering from it’s sheer awesomeness. I think I’ll be play #23 by the end of tomorrow! *grin* But seriously, after the last album ‘The Wildhearts’ I was more or less convinced that it was impossible for you guys to soar to even greater heights.
Oh, how wrong was I?
This is (shall I even dare to say it) the best album you guys have made yet. Every single track is laden with so many hooks that I find myself struggling in my head over trying to decide which one I’m going to hum! Although, Mr Ginger, the beautiful guitar solo on ‘Low Energy Vortex’ makes me beam with pride that I’ve followed you since ‘Mondo Akimbo’. It brought a tear to my eye, so it did.
And that’s what the Wildhearts have always done for me. Make beautiful music which speaks to the soul, drives out the demons and makes me smile.
Can’t wait to see you in Glasgow!!
September 7th, 2009 at 20:37
Am I the only one thinking Chutzpah is not that great? The Wildhearts was the best thing the band have done since…. well PHUQ, as it had some fantastic long songs with more riffs and time changes in than you could shake your cock at, while Chutzpah is, well not. Yeah there are some great tunes on there, but with the likes of The Only One, there are some seriously middle of the road punk/pop songs that just sound bland.
September 9th, 2009 at 01:19
To Nige: Yeah, I agree, but I think the best stuff on Chutzpah is better than the best stuff on PHUQ. Hmmm, well, maybe if Caprice wasn’t on there. But either way, Chutzpah is far better than it should be for an album 20 years into a band’s career! I have to agree about the milder songs on there, like, but I’m sometimes in the mood for that kinda thing too and I’d prefer it to come from The Wildhearts.
September 9th, 2009 at 12:28
Blimey O reily.
Pleasurable, very pleasurable.
And all this from a little round disc, you really wouldnt think a little round disc that hardly weighs anything can actually hold such power.
But, the Wildhearts are full of surprises, and this is just a spiffingly pleasurable brillo-pad album.
Its actually better than listening to OCD ten times, and believe me, i really like that song.
Its the best album so far, yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am as happy as a happy person who has a pendant round his neck telling us he has won happy person of the year, again
Ian Haywood
September 9th, 2009 at 16:44
Just got a listen to a mate’s Jap version of the album – why the fook is People Who Died not on the UK version??! It’s bloody amazing!!
September 10th, 2009 at 12:52
Really loving Chutzpah. No complaints about the length either: synched it onto my mp3 player as soon as I got it home and can listen to the full thing commuting to work and again returning home!!!
One complaint: why no Belfast date?? Fair enough, the attendance at Ginger’s solo gig in May was pathetic – but you can’t dangle a throbbing slice of 24 carat Rock like this in front of us, with no chance to see the new stuff played live!!!! We’ll improve the ticket sales from May – just give us the chance!!!
September 12th, 2009 at 23:50
Had my CD since the beginning of the month – don’t think I’ve listened to anything else but this since!
Please, please, please release this on vinyl – the sleeve’d look immense alongside The Wildhearts and Mondo releases 🙂
See you in Birmingham!
September 15th, 2009 at 15:30
I almost came when i heard the album.
fecking amazing.
looking forward to seeing yew guise october 1st at shepards bush xD
September 18th, 2009 at 19:34
where do i get the japanese import from?
and please dont say japan!!!!
September 24th, 2009 at 08:09
I’m so stuck on Jackson Whites as this is the most hook I’ve heard in years. Heavy, dense, poppy, giddy… it’s The Wildhearts as I know them yet I don’t know what to expect and I get the unexpected. I love it guys and looking in Japan know to see if you released any special edition of the cd there.
September 24th, 2009 at 14:37
Yep there is – it’s got four extra tracks on it, but they’ll all be available in the UK at some point.
HMV Japan
September 24th, 2009 at 16:40
I was insane enough to order it along with the last album (2 extra tracks I believe)and Ginger’s Yoni. Viva La Japan. 🙂
September 25th, 2009 at 18:12
Another late, late note of love and appreciation. I can’t put my finger on it what’s different about this album but as one review said, you don’t know what to expect from the The Wildhearts. One thing I know by now since an aura of harmony and bliss started hovering over the band is that you can expect quality whatever the guys ventures into. Chutzpah! delivers such an awesome sonic boom and also an emotional experience only The Wildhearts could deliver. Changing tac and emotions within songs have always been one of the compelling aspects for me, it continues here (amongst many other rockin’ and emotional things going on) and boy does it ever grow on you. First it was a tune or a chorus here and there that got stuck. Slowly but surely, the hooks are stuck in your head as per usual and yet I haven’t discovered the ENTIRE album yet. To Ginger, CJ, Scott and Ritch, marvellous team effort and guys, you gotta try to get to Sweden Rock Festival next year. I promise you, we’re a nice outdoors crowd! Thanks for your time guys and continue to inspire.