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Brighton Rocks (Day 1)
By Ginger | September 18, 2009
First day of the tour, and I don’t think it could have been any more spectacular.
A delightfully full Concorde 2 watched in joyous rapture as we ploughed through the album from first to last track. The band played incredibly well and the crew performed with military precision, although the man of the match award must surely go out to Shirt, our awesome soundman, who almost ruptured the very grounds of the venue and turned the area into a brand new glory hole.
Very proud of everyone for such a wonderful first gig.
I LOVED the fact that everyone in the crowd stood and listened, something I feared might feel extremely awkward was, in fact, a beautiful moment of sharing. Something that hasn’t happened since we first started back in late 80’s.
It really feels like something new is starting to happen. As clichéd as that sounds. I felt a thrill last night that I haven’t felt at a Wildhearts gig for an awful long time like there are uncharted waters we have yet to sail. Playing with the audience in full attention mode, while bells and whistles fly around the stage from the backing tracks, made me realise that there is always a new thrill when you are improving your sense of spiritual balance. Every day is a new day, every sight is seen through fresher eyes and a less cluttered mind. Every experience is new and exciting.
I almost lost it introducing Tim Smith last night. After visiting Tim recently it made me realise how precious life is and how much we take our health for granted.
I’d like you to take a moment today to tell someone you love them and also to give thanks for your wonderful, working body. You are a very fortunate person and please try to remember that.
It was great to see Chris McCormack, Rich Jones, Crazy Carmen and the uniqueness that is Random Jon Poole. Chris, I look forward to getting this going in 2010, Rich thanks for the book I read the marked page… ouch!, Carmen-keep your port away from me and Jon-congratulations, it’s great to hear that everything is going so well. Hope you got home okay. Love to Louise.
Next stop Bristol. You really have an amazing crowd to beat. Just sayin’…
7 Responses to “Brighton Rocks (Day 1)”
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September 18th, 2009 at 11:54
See you there tonight, Sir. Rather looking forward to it, myself.
September 18th, 2009 at 12:33
Guys, you did yourselves, and us, so proud last night! Hearing Chutzpah! in it’s entirety was amazing and for you to then come back on stage stright into Nothing Ever Changes was outstanding! The backstage guys picked a pearler there 🙂
I was originally coming to see you at Brighton, then Manchester and London but sadly those dates are while I’m in Barcelona. Who organised this? Why didn’t I get the memo? Rest assured I will be there in spirit and getting my friends at those gigs to cheer for me by proxy – 300% extra should do it I reckon!
September 18th, 2009 at 13:26
“I LOVED the fact that everyone in the crowd stood and listened, something I feared might feel extremely awkward was, in fact, a beautiful moment of sharing.”
I’m so glad you felt like this because we did too….. it was brilliant and we loved every moment.
….and I’ll get to hear it again on monday!! Brilliant!!!!
September 18th, 2009 at 13:44
Sounding good, can’t wait for tonight. I’m all up for entering the academy with my voice and leaving the venue without it!
September 18th, 2009 at 19:27
Thanks to Scott and Ginger for the interview which can be heard at http://www.theparanoidsquirrel.com
September 18th, 2009 at 19:29
Thank you Scott and Ginger for the interview which should be available to hear Saturday morning.
September 19th, 2009 at 01:38
Bristol last night, wow, no superlatives good enough. Cheers.