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Crawfish, Schnapps And Song
By Ginger | August 15, 2009
If anyone has a more sociable method of dining than the Swedish then they’re keeping it a secret.
The show (which was sublime, by the way) included my set, many more players following, then I guested with Esther Rose Parkes on Am I The Only One Who Ever Felt This Way and finally got up for the finale to growl through Rocking In The Free World with the entire bill performing. A truly brilliant moment. After being presented with a bottle of champagne each onstage (thanks Maria Anderberg) we retired to the country house where the wonderful Maria Blum and family cooked crawfish and drank schnapps (each drink precluded by a drunken Swedish song). I can’t remember ever eating anything better than crawfish. Delicious doesn’t even scratch the surface.
All in all as perfect a day as I’ve ever had.
And singing onstage only to look around and see Maria McKee smiling behind me, sharing the chorus, is a memory that is indelibly etched into my consciousness.
Off to Malmo today for more fun ‘n games today. I absolutely LOVE Sweden.
2 Responses to “Crawfish, Schnapps And Song”
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August 15th, 2009 at 19:57
So that’s maybe your next home then? 😉
August 15th, 2009 at 21:09
Yes, will we see more of you in Sweden from now on?