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New album demo session is complete!
By Kris | February 24, 2009
Hey there, Ginger here. Just wanted to let you know that the demos for the new album are all complete.
It’s great to be back in NYC again with the family but we had a blast in Finland recording at Seawolf studios. We even managed to drag our new manager, Virpi, out of engineering retirement to record these songs for us.
The styles are very mixed up but this time we’ve tried to keep the lengths of the songs to 3:30 each. And overall we’ve succeeded. I think only one song exceeds the 3:30 mark, and that’s the last track, complete with run-off riff/melody.
The album is very melodic and very riffy. Ritch described some of the songs as Sky Babies only short. There are some very bizarre arrangements on this album, something I really wanted to happen.
The album was written (and sang) together, however, so there was no guarantee that it would sound anything like the album I wanted to make. I’m delighted to say that it does. I still play a very large part in the writing so it really isn’t any huge departure from our style, but I hope to include the use of samples and loops to make the typical Ramones meets Cheap Trick approach brought a little more up to date.
We will be recording proper in April, in Denmark with Jacob Hansen producing. Jacob did the Volbeat album which is currently exploding all over Europe. He gets great, huge sounds. He won’t have done anything like this album before, but then no-one has, not even us.
The album title looks set to be ‘Chutzpah’.
As well as the song we aired at our show in Helsinki recently, ‘The Jackson Whites’, some other song titles are ‘Some Days Just Fucking Suck’, ‘You Took The Sunshine Out Of NYC’, ‘Vernix’, ‘Plastic Jesus’ and ‘You Are Proof That Not All Women Are Insane’.
The band are in great spirits and really thrilled to be so personally involved this time around. Expect the album around the end of August.
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