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Ginger – Deckard Recommendation

By Kris | June 19, 2004

Ginger has a music recommendation for readers of the website:

“Can I send a plea to the readers of our web site to go and listen to Deckard.

They are the most underrated band currently playing, and deserve a listen by every pair of ears that own a Wildhearts album, or rather the owners of every pair of ears, as obviously ears do not own anything. Their new album, ‘Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity’ is superb. Download something from their website for proof that I cannot lie. Download a track called “When Picking Fights”, from any source available, in fact. Just make sure that you buy the album after falling in love with this song.

Real quality stuff, from real quality people.

And try to find their first album, ‘Stereodreamscene’, as it is a classic of all time. Only better.”

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